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Cerca i nostri prodotti

Crema di Arachidi Crunchy

Iginio Massari Alta Pasticceria's new Crunchy Peanut Cream made with tasty selected peanuts sourced from the U.S., subjected to a gentle light roasting process and then appropriately minced to achieve a pleasant taste experience with crunchy peanut chunks accompanying the cream's velvety texture.

Weight: 200g

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from humidity, heat and light sources.
    The expiration date is written on the package.

Iginio Massari Alta Pasticceria's new Crunchy Peanut Cream made with tasty selected peanuts sourced from the U.S., subjected to a gentle light roasting process and then appropriately minced to achieve a pleasant taste experience with crunchy peanut chunks accompanying the cream's velvety texture.

Weight: 200g

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from humidity, heat and light sources.
    The expiration date is written on the package.

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Faucibus vitae molestie nec amet ultrices rhoncus vitae. Gravida nisl, semper netus orci imperdiet risus hendrerit fusce accumsan.

Nulla sem risus eu purus velit. Vel elementum orci pellentesque volutpat nulla. Ultrices praesent tortor, etiam et in aliquam porttitor.
